WAGO公司是德国专业从事以独创的弹簧压力技术为特征的电连接器、电子模块和现场总线输入/输出系统的跨国公司。创建于1951年,总部座落于德国的 MINDEN市。在全球拥有50多家子公司及分销商,其业务遍布欧洲、北美、拉丁美洲和亚洲等国家和地区。 万可电子(天津)有限公司是德国WAGO公司在中国的独资子公司,座落在天津武清开发区,公司目前拥有员工400余人,厂区占地面积70000平方米,具有生产制造、产品销售、技术支持及售后服务的综合能力。
德国WAGO公司设计和生产由其首创的以"笼式弹簧夹持"技术(CAGE CLAMP)为特征的接线端子和连接器。笼式弹簧夹持单元(CAGE CLAMP)这种革新的接线方式以其优良的特性从根本上解决了导线连接的可靠性问题,受到全世界业内人士的广泛欢迎。其具有的高可靠,抗振动、免维护和高工效等特点,又使得WAGO公司在这个领域中一直保持世界领先地位。由WAGO公司首创的"紧凑型笼式弹簧夹持单元"(CAGE CLAMP COMPACT)也已经面世。它继承了原产品的优点,而且体积更小,更节约空间。
此外,WAGO公司率先研制了现场总线分布式输入/输出自动化控制系统 WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM750。近年来,在WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750的基础上,WAGO公司相继发展了紧凑型输入/输出控制系统 WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 752和WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750可编程现场总线控制器以及WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 755 IP67等硬件产品和相应的软件产品。WAGO公司的现场总线输入/输出系统不仅支持PROFIBUS-DP/FMS,DeviceNet, Modbus, Interbus, CANBus, Lightbus, LonWorks, Ethernet 等多种现场总线,还支持串行接口的通讯,所以,可用于各种工业现场,如汽车制造,造纸,纺织,石油化工,烟厂,冶金工业,电力,铁路交通及楼宇自动化等。
60 多年来,WAGO公司经营的核心始终是设计、制造及营销基于公司独创的弹簧连接技术的创新型接线端子和连接器。无论多么恶劣的安装及工作条件,WAGO无螺丝接线端子和连接器在发电和配电、机械加工、石油化工、汽车制造、船舶制造、铁路、照明和楼宇安装等领域中都表现出了极佳的性能。WAGO完整的产品系列包括:轨装式接线端子和小型接线端子,工业接口模块,PCB端子排,MCS多用途连接器系列,现场总线适配器和I / O模块以及用于照明器具的连接器。
WAGO是WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH的注册商标。
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG is a German company that manufactures components for electrical connections and electronic components for decentralized automation. The company is especially well known for its cage clamp and push-wire connector products, particularly the 280 Series and the 273 Series (often referred to as "WAGO Clamps").
WAGO is headquartered in Minden, a town in Germany’s state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Founded in Minden as a family company in 1951, WAGO has been under the long-time guidance of Wolfgang Hohorst, Managing Director with sole power of representation for the WAGO Group. In 2004, the company was certified according to ISO 14001 in recognition of environmental management standards.
The company has approximately 4700 employees; of these, 2600 are employed in Germany at either the Minden or Sondershausen/Thuringia facility.[1]
In addition to the central location in Minden, the WAGO Group has manufacturing plants in Sondershausen (Thuringia), Domdidier (Switzerland), Noida (India), Tianjin (Peoples' Republic of China), Wrocław (Poland) and Germantown (United States).
WAGO is subdivided into 35 WAGO companies and free commercial agencies worldwide. In 2015, it achieved worldwide consolidated sales of EUR 720 million.
WAGO was founded on April 27, 1951 by Friedrich Hohorst and Heinrich Nagel as WAGO Klemmenwerk GmbH. Before this came the purchase of the first patent for a spring clamp.
At the time, the quality of available raw materials prevented the clamps from adhering to this principle while being manufactured properly. This led to the creation of the screwless clamp, known today as the spring clamp. Spring clamps have become recognized worldwide as an industrial standard for wire connection.
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